REALTOR® Development Committee

This Committee shall provide information and instruction to the members of the Board, in matters such as, the Code of Ethics, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the National Association, Iowa Association and the Cedar Rapids Area Association of REALTORS® subject to the approval of the Directors. The Committee shall hold Educational Conferences.

Finance Committee

This committee shall consist of the President, President-elect, Treasurer, and a minimum of four (4) appointed members. This committee shall be appointed by the President on an annual basis. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Association in books belonging to the Association; make reports in writing of monies received and paid out, and the amount of funds on hand; and at the annual meeting of the Association make a full and complete report of the receipts and disbursements of the said Association. The Committee shall review the budget and make recommendations to the Directors. Prior to the December meeting of the Board of Directors the committee shall prepare a proposed budget for the ensuing year to be recommended to the Board of Directors for its approval and/or modification. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to oversee the maintenance, establish leasing policies and otherwise serve as the property management team for the Association building.

Governmental Affairs

The objective of this committee shall be to educate and encourage members to seek and elect candidates for public office – who will reaffirm American principles of individual freedom, and property rights, and will uphold the free private and competitive enterprise system. The Committee will:

  1. Keep in close touch with all proposed municipal or state legislation affecting realty interests;
  2. Keep committee members informed regarding such legislation and be in charge of all legislative matters referred to it;
  3. Suggest and advise such new legislation it judges would be beneficial to realty interests;
  4. Collect and keep on file with the Executive Officer, matters relating to legal decisions in cases affecting transactions in real estate;
  5. Keep itself informed as to current policies of taxing bodies within the Association’s jurisdiction and make recommendations as it may deem expedient.

Habitat for Humanity

The committee helps raise awareness, volunteers and funds for Habitat for Humanity.

REALTOR® Political Action Committee (R.P.A.C.)

The Committee shall encourage each of the members of the Cedar Rapids Area Association of REALTORS® to actively support local, state and national service and monetary goals established for the local board through member to member contact, general membership meetings, auctions, social events, etc. The Committee shall encourage each of the members of the Cedar Rapids Area Association of REAL® to actively support Local, State and National Real Estate Political Action Committees with service and money.

Grievance Committee

This shall be a standing committee of at least four (4) members. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the President, on a rotating four (4) year term basis, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall abide by the policies and procedures, as recommended by the National Association of REALTORS® in its Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual. The purpose of this committee is to determine on the onset if a grievance, whether from the public or membership, has merit and therefore justifies a hearing for reviewing.

MLS Committee

It shall be the duty of the MLS Committee to enforce the rules as hereinafter set out in Article XVIII. The Association shall maintain for the exclusive use and benefit of all members thereof a multiple listing system with photos under which certain properties listed for sale or exchange shall be provided for all members who have paid the service fee.

Technology Training Committee

The Technology Training Committee was created to work closely with CRAAR staff in upgrades to the MLS software as well as the Supra key and lockbox system. Any upgrades and add-ons will be first approved by the Technology Training Committee whose members are committed to training the membership of the CRAAR.

Professional Standards & Arbitration Committee

It shall be the duty of the committee to interpret the Code of Ethics and these Bylaws and to consider reports and complaints relative to the violation or infringement thereof. The committee shall have jurisdiction of all claims and matters of differences submitted to it by members of the Association. All matters to be considered for arbitration shall be submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the committee who shall act in accordance with the guidelines as set forth in the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual, as provided in 7.1. The committee shall have authority to make investigation and institute proceedings: Upon instruction from the Directors; Upon a written and verified complaint filed with the Chairman of this Committee by any member of the Association or any other individual; Upon its own initiative. It shall institute proceedings for investigating, trying and deciding complaints against any member of the Association as provided in 7.1.

Program and Entertainment Committee

This Committee shall arrange for and have charge of the luncheons, programs and entertainment of the regular meetings called in these bylaws. It shall also be responsible for such other programs and entertainment as may be implemented by this committee or as suggested by the Directors.

Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee promotes the Cedar Rapids Area Association of REALTORS® by establishing relationships with community and business organizations to promote CRAAR. The Public Relations Committee also performs public relations and advertising functions, including preparing press releases and advertisements.


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